Monday, November 9, 2009

Favorite Subject

What was you favorite subject in school? What was your least favorite subject?

I want you to answer these two questions using the following:
  • New Vocabulary
  • Speaking Strategy (Well, No Wait, I mean, Actually)
  • The past (If you can use the new verbs you have to study)
  • Be Happy
Write at least 3 sentences explaining the two questions.

Remember to study the 1st page of vers I gave you!


  1. When I was in the high school my favorite subject was history.No, wait It was literature. I liked to study literature because in this class, we studied a anthology with many histories and novels very fun.For example the black cat,Octavio Paz´s labyrinth and others titles that I don´t remember very well.But I wasn´t really interested in chemistry because it was hard and difficult and most of the students in my school hated it.

  2. Ok!!! During my student's life I was good in Physics, no wait, in Biology, I liked the nature, animals and things like that, I studied Math too, it's extrange because in school always I was terrible in this subject, now I practice principaly dance for my job
    Today I like spanish, I mean, I love english, really I would like to speak it very well some day.
    Rob, please, can you put the next homework? because now I have oportunity and I'd like do it. Thanks.

  3. When I was in the high school my favorite subject was Geometry. "No, wait" it was chemistry. Because chemistry it was very interesting and I could drew and do math account.
    Well, I liking calculo dietetico is very important because is important to know things news.

  4. HI, ROB.

    When I was a child and when I went to elementary school my favorite subject was math.
    No wait, it was music because I learned to play piano, no wait, guitar, but right know I don´t remember anything note hehe...


  5. Hi!! Rob, please, I need the next homework because this day is free for me, I can go internet and to do it, sorry for this but for me is important to deliver the homeworks, thank you and see you in saturday.

  6. hi
    when I was 10 years, my favorite subject was math, but soon I grew and complicated for my and actually prefer math too, I mean, chemistry because it´s funny and I am good for this, because experiments but that become if, physical hatred
    But the graceful thing is that before it was very good for Physics and couldn´t to do the exercises very well of this subject in the secondary.
    see you last saturday, tou have a nice day =)

  7. hi Robert
    When I was in the high school my favorite subject was geography because he was very interesting for my.but sometimes he was complicated, because you tapeworms that to learn all the countries and their capitals, and many other things that podria not to finish the secondary my favorite subjet was spanish because he was very easy and funny for me
    see you bye

  8. Hi!
    Well now in school my favorite subjet is P.E,no wait,is math.I like math,well sometimes it`s bored but I like because for everything I need use it.The subjet that I detest is History I dOn`t know why,well I think that it`s so bored :D

  9. Hi!!!

    ok.. well my least subject in school maybe
    is biologia because I don´t remember much things about it, but also biologia is very interesting, I mean than biologia can be boren but someone need to know about it.

    my favorite is drawing as I can draw a lot and thing. I belive that only draw I can expretion a lot things.

    rob, I so sorry but is that in my home stay only in night and well I don´t remember of blog.
